Ministry Updates
[VIDEO] Visit Us This Year!
January 2, 2014
by Interactive Supply
Here’s an easy resolution you could accomplish in this New Year.
If you haven’t visited us yet in one of our Missions Places (or at our main offices in Wheaton), this year may be your chance. But if your travels aren’t taking you near our storefronts in Wheaton, Ill., or Maryville, Tenn., we’ve made it easier than ever to come see us. You can take a video tour of both our Missions Places online, hosted by our very own and talented Melissa Barber. Watch the video here.
If you’re not familiar with all this Missions Place talk or just how excited we are about it, you can read the backstory here in the latest issue of TEAMHorizons magazine. There are lots of exciting things coming down the pipe this year for our Missions Places and Hubs, advancing collaboration among missions organizations and churches. So stay tuned!