Pioneer to Partner
For more than 130 years, TEAM has existed to send the called, plant seeds of the Gospel, and invest resources effectively for the glory of God. Today, TEAM is a global community of Christ followers on a mission to partner with God’s global Church to connect people and resources for kingdom expansion.
Our mission
Making Disciples and Missional Churches for God’s Glory
Our mission is to partner with the global Church in sending disciples who make disciples and establish missional churches to the glory of God.
See Where We Serve-
God Dependence
We subject our lives to the truth and guidance of Scripture and the Holy Spirit, and we rely on God through prayer. The Triune God alone provides what is necessary to carry out global mission, enabling us to speak His words, use His gifts, and reflect His love.
Courageous Vision
We see the day when the people of God from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation will stand united in worship before the throne of Jesus Christ. Compelled by the boundless love of Christ and His call to action, we intentionally venture toward places where Christ is least known, carrying the life-changing message of the Gospel.
Church Focus
We engage existing churches globally in cooperative efforts to accomplish His mission, believing that the Church is central to God’s plan. TEAM global workers work in partnership with the global Church – we are from the Church, for the Church.
Community of Grace
We see the potential of the body of Christ everywhere. We work together in teams characterized by unity, trust, acceptance, and diversity, benefiting from mutual accountability. This community can be a strong demonstration of grace and peace in a divided world.
Humble Service
Compelled by Christ’s love, we go to serve, not to be served, so that the whole world may be reconciled to God through Jesus. We serve the global Church in her unified pursuit for Gospel expansion.
Lifelong Learning
We seek to grow in character and competence to increase our effectiveness. We are committed to equipping all personnel to reach their God-given potential through lifelong development.
TEAM Today
Postured for Global Partnership
In response to God’s blessing and expansion of the Church in many parts of the Majority World, TEAM is exploring new ways in which we may be postured to serve and partner in the sending of even more followers of Christ to and from the nations.
Board of Directors
Mauricio Alvarez
Mauricio Alvarez
Mauricio was born in Florida, Uruguay. He came to know Jesus Christ as his personal savior at age of eight in the Baptist Church (SBC) of Florida, Uruguay. Mauricio grew up serving in various departments (Youth, Worship, and Missions) in the local church. He emigrated to the United States in 2000.In October 2005, Mauricio married Geraldine, an Argentinean MK and missionary in Spain. Geraldine shared Mauricio’s missionary vision and passion for the nations. They have two children, Ian and Lucía. For many years the Alvarez family lived in West Palm Beach, FL and currently live in Ondara, Alicante, Spain.
Mauricio describes himself as a leader who is dynamic and passionate about the nations and the unreached people groups of the the world. As a husband, father, entrepreneur, mobilizer, and missionary, his greatest desire is to assist Hispanic and Latino churches as they assume their role in impacting the nations.
Sean Benesh
Sean Benesh
Sean Benesh is the Director of Intrepid which focuses on combining church planting, community economic development, and startups for the betterment of communities. He has a Master’s in Church Planting and Church Growth from Simpson University, a DMin in Transformational Leadership for the Global City from Bakke Graduate University, and post-doctoral studies at Portland State University in urban studies.
Sean has written twenty books on the subject of cities and church planting, and currently teaches at two universities in Portland. He’s been involved in church planting for the past 20 years as a church planter, church planting strategist, trainer, and professor.
Martin Campbell
Martin Campbell
Martin and his wife, Joyce, with their three sons, have been in cross-cultural Christian work continually for over 26 years, between Central Asia and New Zealand. Martin brings experience in organizational management and governance, and human resource management.
Martin, and his wife, Joyce, have been in cross-cultural Christian work continually for over 27 years, between Central Asia, New Zealand and Thailand. Martin brings experience in organizational management, governance, human resource management and crisis management.
Martin and Joyce are currently the Deputy International Directors of WEC International. They have a passion for seeing Christians equipped to serve in cross-cultural and challenging contexts, and to be supported in those ministries to thrive. They deeply value the concept of collaboration across cultures, denominations and mission agencies.
Martin loves music, spending time with people, and seeing the body of Christ, in all its diversity, at work on mission.
Mary Cloutier
Mary Cloutier
Mary was born the eighth of nine children in 1963 and raised in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Although her parents were unchurched, they sent their children to church and Mary accepted Christ around the age of six. In 1986, Mary earned a Fine Arts degree from University of Wisconsin-Stout, with a major in Art Education, a minor in Speech/Theatre, and special study in Special Education and French. Through a summer job overseas in Switzerland and subsequent semester abroad in Wales, God confirmed Mary’s calling to missions in French-speaking Africa.
After college, Mary spent ten years in Westchester County, New York, working with people with disabilities and their families. In 1990, Mary enrolled at Alliance Theological Seminary, graduating with a Masters of Divinity in May 1994. She also became a missionary candidate through the Christian and Missionary Alliance, which included a three-year ministry in inner-city Pittsburgh, PA. In 1999, Mary was appointed to missionary service, completed a year of language study in Burkina Faso, and then served two terms as a theological educator at l’Institute Biblique Bethel in Libreville, Gabon.
Mary was a full-time PhD student at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 2009-10 and 2012-15. She also taught for two years at Nyack College (2010-12). She completed the PhD in Intercultural Studies in 2015, and is currently teaching Intercultural Studies at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago.
John Condie
John Condie
John and Angela met in Los Angeles while attending USC School of Medicine and were married in 1980, a week after graduation. Angela began her pediatric residency at LA Children’s Hospital, while John pursued general surgery at LA County/USC Medical Center. After completing residencies in 1985, and with two sons in tow, John joined his father’s surgical group in San Jose, CA. They began Bible courses required for missionary service, added another son to their family, and finished paying off debt.
By 1989, having felt for some years a call to missions, they joined The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) and departed for Bach Christian Hospital in northern Pakistan. After a year of language study and the birth of their fourth child, a daughter, they began what became a three-decade adventure with God. In addition to medical care for their neighbors, they and the hospital team had continuous opportunities to share Christ with patients & relatives through ward messages, prayer, literature, personal testimony, and media. They were also privileged to disciple several believers that the Lord gave over the years. It was their joy to partner with and mentor young Pakistani physicians who will be the foundation for future ministry at BCH.
John has also been the Area Leader for TEAM Pakistan since 2009 (14 years). Over the last 2 years, he has overseen the transition of mission leadership into the hands of a godly Pakistani Board of Directors who, by the power of the Holy Spirit, will carry forward the ministries of the hospital, school, Bible correspondence institute, camp, church association, and seminary that TEAM helped to establish over the last 70 years. After 34 years of service, John & Angela are retired from TEAM, but still active in recruiting and mentoring roles. Their four children are married and have given them eight beautiful grandchildren!
Atsi Dolie
Atsi Dolie
Vitsilhuto (Atsi) Dolie served as the Executive Director of the Angami Baptist Church Council, Nagaland (India) from 2013 to 2022. He is currently the President of the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC), which is the central organization of the Baptist Churches and Associations in Nagaland. Atsi has a Th.D. in Systematic Theology from Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary, Baguio, Philippines, and a Th.M. in Christian Ethics from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX. He served in Shalom Bible Seminary, Kohima, Nagaland from 1997-2012 in different capacities as Lecturer, Academic Dean, Vice- Principal, and adjunct professor. He also serves as the Chairman for the Living Tree School in Kohima, Nagaland, and will be the new President of the Centenary Mission Society of Baptist Church Khnonoma this year (2023).
Atsi provides leadership to the ministry of his Council and has a special interest in missions. He has deep concern for the deepening of Christian faith and ethics in his society and involved in reconciliatory ministries. He is married to Peteneinuo, the Director/Administrator of Living Tree School, Kohima. They have been blessed with two sons – Kevile and Kevisevor, and a daughter, Niepukhrie-e Kathleen.
Judy Friesen
Judy Friesen
Judy Friesen is a wife, mother and retired missionary who loves the Lord and is motivated to glorify Him by serving others. She has been married to Arnie for 41 years and together they have 2 grown sons and one grandson, who all live in British Columbia, Canada.
In the early days, Judy was a piano teacher and had a successful home studio for 27 years. During that time, she started a part-time health consulting practice alongside her part-time piano teaching. Leaving behind her teaching, Judy responded to God’s nudging to become a full-time missionary so that her leadership skills could contribute more directly to the body of Christ. For 20 years Judy served as a fundraiser and then Director and ultimately Vice President of Development for a number of charitable organizations – World Vision, Power to Change (formally Campus Crusade for Christ), Canada Institute of Linguistics (CanIL), OneBook and Wycliffe Bible Translators, Canada.
During those years, Judy renamed her consulting company to Consulting Plus One where she provided training and coaching to various senior level staff of various mission organizations in the area of resource development and strategic planning. She also served on her church Board and spoke at numerous conferences, the most recent being the Canadian Council of Christian Charities on the topic of “Growing Generous Donors”.
At the end of July 2017, Judy retired but serves on the Board of TEAM Canada and on the Executive Committee of Ministry Fundraising Network (MFN) while part-time in her consulting company. Judy is also regularly involved in her community as a volunteer driver for cancer patients.
Andrie Meiring
Andrie Meiring
Andrie is a senior manager for Armanino LLP’s Audit practice in Dallas, Texas. Andrie grew up in South Africa and came to the U.S. to play tennis in college. She earned her B.B.A. and M.A. in accounting from Samford University and is a CPA.
She always had an interest in nonprofits that make a significant impact in their communities and that led her to choose an auditing career with a specialty in nonprofit organizations. She has 11 years of public accounting experience, with the majority of the eleven years spent on auditing faith-based nonprofits.
Mark Nerud
Mark Nerud
Mark is currently President and CEO of the asset management subsidiary of a large insurance company and has over 35 years of experience in the financial services industry. Mark began his career as an auditor and certified public accountant for KPMG. Mark has extensive experience serving on corporate boards, industry boards and non-profit boards. Mark has been involved with the organization and creation of a U.S. fundraising charity for an orphanage in Kenya (and served as board member and treasurer); served as treasurer and board member for Potters House Association International, that serves the poor in Guatemala; served as Committee chair for YoungLife in Naperville; and has served in numerous deacon, finance, and other committee roles at church. Mark recently completed his Masters in Management of Nonprofit Organizations from Biola University in late 2021.
Mark has been married to his wife, Kris, for 35 years and lives in Naperville, Illinois. Mark and Kris have two children who are each married and living in Southern California. Mark and Kris have a passion for stewardship, hospitality and mentoring younger couples and college students.
Adrian Reeves
Adrian Reeves
Adrian is a missions mobilizer and serves as the Director for the National African American Missions Council (NAAMC). In this capacity he oversees missions programming for children, teens, and adults empowering them through resourcing, equipping, and networking for cross-cultural missions. He moderates “The Table of Brotherhood” through NAAMC to foster racial healing and harmony among multi-ethnic churches and missions’ agencies.
Adrian also serves as the Executive Pastor for Christ Kingdom Church in Prince George’s County, Maryland. After accepting the Lord Jesus Christ at the age of 12, he dedicated his life to the advancement of God’s Kingdom and strives to build capacity in God’s people through insightful instruction and edifying encouragement.
Adrian studied sociology at the University of Maryland College Park. He is a Hillman Entrepreneur Scholar passionate about establishing structure and strategy for organizations and institutions. His experience in human resources and non-profit management has allowed him to train ministry and marketplace leaders for positive cultural impact.
Janet Stump
Janet Stump
With thirty-seven years of experience in fund development and nonprofit leadership, Jan understands the crucial role of mission-driven advancement to build vibrant and sustainable nonprofit organizations. Most recently Jan served as TEAM’s Executive Director of Global Resources, overseeing mobilization stewardship, donor relations, and communications. Jan began this role in June 2019, after serving five years on the TEAM International Board. She retired from her staff position at the end of 2022.
For over fourteen years, Jan served the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) in two roles. As Executive Director of the ACSI Education Foundation, she led the advancement effort to strengthen and sustain ACSI’s global mission and creatively resource the Christian schooling movement through thought leadership, innovation, resource development and advocacy. She also launched a fund development effort at ACSI as its first Director of Development and Public Relations.
Jan has spoken widely in the US, Africa, Asia and Europe about contemporary culture, Christian schooling, advancement, and leadership. Jan holds an MA in Literature from the University of Alaska and is a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE), 2001 to present.
Jan and her husband, Don, enjoy a heritage of faith passed on by missionary parents and their legacies in Alaska and China. Don and Lorene Stump served over fifty years with Interact Missions and Vernon and Frances Mortenson, similarly, invested in TEAM’s global mission. Don and Jan have three sons and daughters-in-law, and six grandchildren.
John Tompkins
John Tompkins
John is a retired Christian business executive, having retired from the Canadian employee benefits consulting industry five years ago after a 39-year career. John also has extensive experience serving on charity and Elder Boards.
Being retired provides John with additional time to spend in Kingdom service. John has served his local church as an elder (where he helped lead a church merger) and has served his local community on the Toronto Youth for Christ Board for the past 20 years, including 14 as Board Secretary. John joined the TEAM of Canada Board in 2017 and serves as Board Secretary. John then joined the TEAM Board in 2018 where he also serves as Board Secretary. Internationally, John and his family have a passion for serving in rural Uganda and John has travelled there four times in the past ten years.
John has been married to his wife, Anne, for 41 years and lives in Newmarket, Ontario. John and Anne have 2 grandsons: one from their daughter Jennifer and husband Adam, the other from their son Dave and wife Kait. They all currently attend The Well Community Church in Maple, Ontario (just north of Toronto).
Donek Zemo
Donek Zemo
Donek was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia into an Ethiopian Orthodox family. She became a follower of Christ through a youth ministry in her high school and later through a Navigator’s ministry at her current church.
Donek began to have a heart for people living and dying without Christ when she met missionaries at her church and later worked with them in a mission organization called SIM.
Donek and her husband, Israel, have two children, Boaz, and Priscilla. They are active members of the International Evangelical Church (IEC) in Addis Ababa where they have been involved in various ministries including serving in worship, leading small groups, and teaching Sunday School.
Donek is the Ministry Evaluation and Learning Lead serving SIM globally. Before that she served as the Deputy Director of SIM Ethiopia. Donek also serves as the Board chair for the SIM East Africa Sending Office where East Africans are mobilized, equipped, and sent to work as cross-cultural gospel workers.
Executive Leadership
Justin Burkholder
International Director
International Director
Justin Burkholder
Prior to his appointment as International Director in July 2024, Justin served in a variety of leadership roles within TEAM, including the position of Executive Director of Global Ministry. Justin and his wife Jenny served alongside the Guatemalan Church in Guatemala City and were involved in planting and leading two churches. Justin was profoundly influenced at a young age by multi-cultural relationships and experiences having grown up as a missionary kid in Mexico City. He graduated from Moody Bible Institute with a B.A. in Theology and later received his M.Div. Justin and Jenny have three daughters: Isabella, Olivia, and Zoey.
Aaron Catlin
Executive Director of Ministry Strategy
Executive Director of Ministry Strategy
Aaron Catlin
Aaron and his wife Jessica are the parents of four daughters. After a decade of corporate communications work in both the public and private sector, their family moved to SE Asia with TEAM. They were blessed to experience life in one of the fastest-growing cities in Asia as well as a different rhythm in a more rural area. He believes wholeheartedly that it is right to obey Jesus to go and make disciples – regardless of geographic location. Aaron joined TEAM Senior Leadership in January of 2023, and the Catlins now reside in Kansas. You can typically find them outside hiking, playing any one of various sports, reading by a fire, or cooking a meal together.
Vonna Laue
Executive Director of Global Services and CFO
Executive Director of Global Services and CFO
Vonna Laue
Vonna has served ministries and churches in financial and operational capacities for more than 25 years. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and an MBA in Leadership and Human Resource Management. She is the author of Glad I Didn’t Know and previously co-authored three ministry financial books. Vonna serves on three national or international boards of directors and is a frequent conference speaker. She and her husband Bryan have two grown daughters, a son-in-law, and an adorable grandson.
April Moreton
Executive Director of Advancement and Communications
Executive Director of Advancement and Communications
April Moreton
April has served in vocational ministry and higher education fundraising for over 3 decades. She is a classically trained musician with degrees from Texas Christian University, Dallas Theological Seminary, and the University of North Texas. April and her husband Sam served as stateside missionaries for over 17 years. Simultaneously, April held Advancement leadership roles at John Brown University and later served as VP for Advancement at University of Northwestern – St. Paul. The Moretons have 4 children: Asher, Ava, Brock, and Scarlett. They also have two Maine Coon cats who regularly join her on Zoom calls. April is studying the cello in her spare time and with her family enjoys hiking, beach combing, all kinds of music, and authentic Tex-Mex cuisine.
Sarah Banerjee Sparks
Executive Director of Global Mobilization and Collaboration
Executive Director of Global Mobilization and Collaboration
Sarah Banerjee Sparks
David Sedlacek
Executive Director, Ministry Health and Effectiveness
Executive Director, Ministry Health and Effectiveness
David Sedlacek
David Sedlacek and his wife, Kathy, have served with TEAM since 1995. They have participated in planting several churches in Japan and the Czech Republic and served in multiple leadership roles. As Executive Director for Ministry Health and Effectiveness, David gets to pursue his passion of helping cross-cultural leaders to live and serve in healthy and fruitful ministry. He earned a Masters of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and a PhD in Human Development from Fielding Graduate University. David is also an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation.
Emily Johnson
Regional Executive Director, Americas
Regional Executive Director, Americas
Emily Johnson
Emily and her husband, Pete, serve with TEAM as Directors for Rancho el Camino in La Paz, Mexico, a ministry that serves children, youth, and families through therapeutic recreation, community development, leadership training, and traditional church planting ministries. Emily and Pete have served in Mexico for the past 12 years. They have 4 children between the ages of 12 and 16. Emily has also served in various regional leadership roles with TEAM since 2019. She is passionate about working in community development, equipping the next generation for life and service in God’s kingdom, and reading too many books! Emily has BAs in Education and Spanish (Wheaton College 2003), an MA in Applied Linguistics (Old Dominion University 2007), and an MA in Global Leadership (Fuller Theological Seminary 2023).
Becky Martin
Regional Executive Director, Asia Pacific
Regional Executive Director, Asia Pacific
Becky Martin
Barry Winchell
Regional Executive Director, Europe, Middle East, and Africa
Regional Executive Director, Europe, Middle East, and Africa
Barry Winchell
Barry was born in South Africa, the son of TEAM missionary parents, and returned to live in Wheaton, Illinois when he was eight years old. Barry graduated in 1982 with a B.A. from Columbia International University where he met his wife Dawn, and in 1995 with an M.A. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Barry is ordained in the Evangelical Free Church of America. Barry and Dawn served in TEAM from 1987 to 2003 and then again since 2017. Barry and Dawn have two children, Stephen (Ashley) and Cristina (Evan). Besides preaching and spreading the word of what God is doing in the world, Barry’s passions include peddling his road bike and paddling his sea kayak.
Paul Beeghly
Director of Mobilization United States
Director of Mobilization United States
Paul Beeghly
Paul Beeghly believes that mission is not an extra-curricular activity of the church but the purpose of the church. Paul worked in tech start-ups in California before God called him to the mission field in Southern Thailand, where he and his wife helped start For Freedom International and Justice Semester. Paul seeks to serve the Global Church and inspire people for greater mission as TEAM’s Director of Mobilization USA. When not working, he is pursuing a Masters in Global Leadership from Fuller Seminary, enjoys cooking for his wife and two kids, and dreams of “breaking 80” on a golf course.
Jeanne Conder
Director of Planned Giving
Director of Planned Giving
Jeanne Conder
After graduation from Wheaton College with a degree in Christian Education, Jeanne raised support and served on The Navigators campus staff in Ilinois and Wisconsin. A move to The Navigators Leadership Development Institute in Colorado Springs introduced her to her husband, Ron, to whom she’s been married for 37 years. Led by God to focus on a career in fundraising, philanthropy has become her professional and personal passion. After serving as vice president for Pikes Peak Hospice Foundation and Goodwill Foundation, Jeanne joined TEAM in 2020. Believing there is nothing more strategic than giving for eternity, she loves helping people partner with TEAM in reaching the world for Christ.
Molly Little
Director of Advancement
Director of Advancement
Molly Little
Steve Maybee
Director of Member Care
Director of Member Care
Steve Maybee
After earning his Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology, Steve and his wife moved to Eastern Europe for several years and served, predominantly in Romania. As God led them back to the States, Steve worked at Alongside, a counseling center for global workers and North American pastors. After 20 years in that ministry, Steve came to TEAM to minister with the Member Care team and provide proactive and responsive care to TEAM’s workers worldwide. Steve and his wife have four grown sons and have had the privilege of adding one daughter-in-law to the mix.
Suzanne Pearson
Director of Communications
Director of Communications
Suzanne Pearson
Suzanne has been a writer and storyteller for as long as she can remember. She obtained a B.S. and Masters in Education from James Madison University and worked for several years as a freelance writer for Christianity Today,, and other publications. Before joining TEAM in 2022, Suzanne worked for 17 years in marketing and communications in both the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. Besides writing, Suzanne’s other passions include travel, sports, and serving alongside her husband Barry in their local church. Barry and Suzanne have been married for over 30 years and have four grown children, three beautiful daughters-in-law, one precious grandson and another on the way.
Nicole Wallenfelsz
Director of Finance
Director of Finance
Nicole Wallenfelsz
Nicole Wallenfelsz, CPA, MBA, has worked in various finance roles in higher education, nonprofits, and a nonprofit accreditation organization. She loves working alongside faith-based nonprofits using her giftings in finance to support the work of ministries. Her family which includes a husband, two children, and Sully, a yellow lab, live in Northern Virginia where they enjoy the beautiful outdoors offered by the Shenandoah Valley.
Ryan Wyss
Director of Personnel
Director of Personnel
Ryan Wyss
After graduating from Moody Bible Institute with a B.A. in International Ministries, Ryan began his ministry with TEAM by focusing on evangelism and discipleship among a minority group in Asia. He and his wife, Deb, met through TEAM and were married after serving together on the same team in Asia. Their family returned to the United States in 2012 and settled in Minnesota. Since that time, he has served in several different roles including his current role of Director of Personnel. Ryan and Deb have two children; a daughter, Elena, and a son, Isaac.
Ways you Can Impact the Kingdom Through TEAM
Go With TEAM
Obey God’s call to make disciples among the nations by joining a community united by and committed to sending disciples who make disciples around the world.
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Give to TEAM
Invest in something that cannot be shaken. Partner with TEAM to steward your resources in a way that leverages them to make eternal impact by sending global workers to the places to proclaim the rule and reign of Jesus Christ.
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Learn about TEAM
God has gifted TEAM with more than 130 years of continuous ministry around the world. There is more to be done. Learn how to pray, to mobilize and why involvement in missions is an indispensable piece of a healthy and obedient life of discipleship to Jesus Christ.
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