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[VIDEO] Chad: A Final Frontier

August 4, 2014
by admin

Massive. Diverse. Ready. The country of Chad is often called the last frontier of Africa. Landlocked in the northern region of Central Africa, Chad faces many challenges, but the opportunities for outreach and community development are immeasurable. The country encompasses over 130 ethnic groups – each with its own language, culture, and need to hear the gospel in unique way. By building deep, long-term relationships, TEAM missionaries are transforming lives and growing the church in Chad through programs for education, agriculture, clean water, healthcare, social justice and more.

Chad is one of the poorest, most troubled countries on the continent of Africa. This challenging and diverse country also presents one of the greatest opportunities for outreach. You can make a difference right now, right where you are. We encourage you to pray for Chad and the TEAM missionaries who are sharing the love of Jesus to this predominately Muslim nation. Pray also for more “people of peace” – men and women who are open and accepting of the ministry efforts of TEAM missionaries.

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