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7 Ways to Pray for Ministries that Train Church Leaders [August Prayer Focus]

August 1, 2017
by Mark Watson

7 Ways to Pray for Ministries that Train Church Leaders [August Prayer Focus]

Change is only lasting if it outlives us. That’s why so many TEAM missionaries invest in ministries that train church leaders and national missionaries.

By teaching at Bible colleges, sending students on internships and coaching them on how to disciple others, missionaries around the world ensure that local believers have the skills to make more disciples. And in that way, this vital work ensures that Christ’s kingdom will continue to grow on this earth until His return.

This August, will you pray with us for ministries around the world that train leaders and national missionaries?

Click here to get a printable version of these requests, and sign up here to get the new prayer focus in your inbox each month.

1. Pray for impactful teaching.


Training Church Leaders

Translation discrepancies and cultural relevance are two major hurdles that cross-cultural teachers face when developing new church leaders. Photo by TEAM


Cross-cultural communication in a learning environment creates a unique set of challenges. Sometimes teachers pay so much attention to their translation capabilities that the strength of their message is diluted. Other times, they struggle with making their classes culturally applicable.

TEAM missionaries Brian and Joyce Flickner teach many South African students who come from churches where prosperity theology is openly taught. The Flickners and other teachers at Durban Bible College need wisdom to build up their students in the truth while tearing down the false teachings they were raised with, like prosperity theology.

Pray that teachers will understand the cultural differences they face and know how to communicate effectively. Ask God to make each lesson clear to the students who hear it.

2. Pray for tuition funds for students.


Training Church Leaders

Poverty and rural living often make it difficult for individuals to receive a quality, biblical education. Photo by TEAM


When it comes to ministries that train leaders and national missionaries, this is the most common prayer request we receive from the field.

Many of these ministries are in areas with a high concentration of unreached people groups, which is why they are so crucial to kingdom advancement. However, this means poverty and rural living are often daily realities for many of the students.

“Many students come to SAIACS [South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies] in faith that God will supply the approximate $1,500 USD for the year’s fees, which covers study, room and board,” says one TEAM worker.

Pray for students who have stepped out in faith to follow God’s call. Ask God to give them courage, and pray that He will meet all their needs.

3. Pray for unity and renewal among teachers and staff.


Training Church Leaders

From the teachers to the behind-the-scenes staff members, running a school requires unity of vision and purpose. Photo by TEAM


Faculty and staff members work long hours, day in and day out, in order to keep ministry schools alive and thriving. They recruit new students; organize classes and records; keep the books, and teach classes while also tending to their students’ souls.

Much of this work goes largely unnoticed, so pray for seasons of renewal when the work seems thankless and draining.

Pray also for unity among teachers and staff as they seek to fulfill a common goal: to train church leaders and evangelists. Pray that their lessons and work will reflect this aim and unify them as a team.

4. Pray for resources and facilities.


Training Church Leaders

Advances in technology can enhance any student’s learning experience, but some schools struggle to obtain even everyday resources. Photo by TEAM


Anyone who has worked in education can attest that physical resources are a must, from computer monitors to pencil sharpeners and everything in between.

Take library supplies, for example. TEAM missionary Lynda Collison says one of Swaziland Evangelical Bible College’s immediate needs is getting bar codes on their library books so they can create a computer-based checkout system. Many students currently use the library for research, so acquiring resources that could make the checkout process easier is among the school’s top priorities.

Please pray that each school will have all the resources it needs. Pray also for patience and discernment as staff members await the provision of these much-needed materials.

5. Pray that graduates will put what they’ve learned into practice.


Training Church Leaders

Pray that students will have the courage to lead where they are now and continue to use what they’ve learned after they graduate. Photo by TEAM


The ultimate aim of any leadership training program is to see students use what they learn to share the Gospel with others.

“Our hope and prayer is that the students finish the three-year program and go back to serve in their village churches as pastors and shepherds,” says Dan Hubert, who serves at Merauke Bible School in Papua.

Pray for wisdom as graduates of these programs seek God’s purpose for their lives. Pray they will know how to apply their newfound skills in the real world, and that they lead many people to Jesus.

6. Pray for growth and awareness of the schools.


Training Church Leaders

Attending Bible school is a wonderful opportunity — but one that many potential students don’t realize is available to them. Photo by TEAM


A school can’t enroll the right students unless those students are aware of the school in the first place. However, getting the word out is a challenge for small institutions running on tight budgets. And once students are accepted, they still face obstacles, such as having to move or take care of family members.

Pray that staff members will find effective ways to spread the word about their programs. Pray also for wisdom to accept the right applicants and steer others in a healthy direction. Ask God to make the way clear for each student He wants at these schools.

7. Pray for spiritual protection of staff and students.

Training Church Leaders

With an Enemy right on the doorsteps of schools disciplining new leaders, prayer is essential for students and faculty to stay focused on the truth. Photo by TEAM


Of course, the Evil One hates what these schools stand for. He will not miss an opportunity to attack on any and every level.

For two students at Union Bible Institute in South Africa, this reality is all too palpable. “One of our female students was in a severe car accident some years ago and has had several surgeries since then,” said TEAM missionary Eric Binion. “She has continuing problems with eyesight, depression and other health issues.”

Eric went on to request prayers for another student who is struggling financially. His family’s only source of income while he attended UBI was his wife’s preschool business, which has now fallen on hard times.

Likewise, faculty and staff members struggle with weariness from spiritual warfare.

“We pray God’s protection for our teachers and staff,” says TEAM missionary Brett Miller, who serves as a teacher at Zion Bible College in Swaziland. “They are constantly under attack.”

Join us in praying not only for the protection of staff and students of these schools, but also for divine refreshment and zeal even in the face of trials.

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer!  Click the image below to get a printable version of these requests to remember how to pray all month long.

7 Ways to Pray for Ministries that Train Leaders and National Missionaries [August Prayer Focus]

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