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Missionary Life

Photo Journal: Japan

July 30, 2015
by admin

Meet Team Kibou: Jeff, Kelly, Taylor, Bailey, Kendyl, Reagan, and Colson Pagaragan. Originally from Hawaii, they are a fun, bubbly family serving with TEAM in Japan. The Pagaragan’s vision is to “bring hope for the future to the unreached in Japan by spreading the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ everywhere.”

In Japanese, “kibou” means hope or a belief grounded on substantial evidence. The Pagaragans are a perfect example of the hope of the gospel and grounded belief that comes from trusting Christ. Jeff and Kelly are in language training and will be working with the Tokyo Metro Ministry Initiative to establish innovative churches that bring Christ to the least-reached communities of Japan’s largest metropolis. The Pagaragans will especially be concentrating on the youth in those areas.

Jeff and Kelly are on Instagram, documenting their journey of “bringing the heart of God… to the heart of Japan.” This is what missions in Japan looks like.

1375041_10205780847227644_2021740962550380019_n-2 2Handing out Bibles before school at the local Jr. High.”

P10Got called into our local Koban, police box, tonight. They asked me to come in and talk to them. Just needed to show them on a map which house we live in. #todaystest

P9Dixit-ing w the English Club at game night.

IMG_2970Cherry blossom time in Japan.

P8ようこそ! Welcome! Stop by for a visit! Time for more #Pagzvisitors

P6You know you’ve become accustomed to Tokyo life when waiting 4 minutes for the next train feels like hours.

P5Today in Fukushima.

P4Fukushima temporary housing.

P1Toshima Matsuri.

Want to connect with Jeff and Kelly? View their TEAM profile, follow them on Instagram, connect with them on Facebook!


Pray for the Pagaragans and the other missionaries in Japan. Pray that the Holy Spirit will use them to minister to those they are serving.

Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. Pray that the Christians in Japan will have opportunities to share the hope of the gospel with those who need to hear it.

Pray that God will send more workers to Japan!


You can give directly to Jeff and Kelly to support their ministry in Japan by clicking here.

You can help TEAM send more missionaries like Glenn by supporting the Global Outreach (GO) Fund – click here to give!


There is a great need for workers in Japan! Missionaries are needed for teaching, discipling, church planting and more. Click here to learn more about TEAM’s ministries in Japan and view service opportunities in Tokyo, Takamatsu, Nagano, and more!

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