Ministry Updates
Farmhouse Turned Sanctuary for Ukrainian Refugees [Photo Journal]
September 15, 2022
by Suzanne Pearson

Since Day One of the Ukraine war, TEAM’s Matthew and Sara Titus have worked tirelessly to provide shelter and support to refugees. Their initial efforts included visits to Poland as well as renovating a series of apartments and other buildings in Prague, Czech Republic.
Now about an hour outside of Prague, the Tituses’ latest project is renovating a 120-year-old farmhouse to provide housing for displaced families as they struggle to find a new normal.

For Matthew and Sara, refugee ministry is a labor of love.

The farmhouse is owned by an amazing Czech couple who already invited two families into their home and helped them find jobs and schooling for their children. The couple has a heart for caring for more people, so they offered the farmhouse for renovation.

“The needs for housing for refugees continue to overload the current capacity in Czech Republic,” Sara explains. “So we feel like this is a good place to invest time and effort to care for the basic needs of hurting, displaced people.”

First order of business at the start of the project: the upper level of the farmhouse needed a whole new roof.

The new roof is underway! The farmhouse renovations are truly a group effort, says Sara. “People are coming together from different backgrounds and countries to pull this off, and I can’t wait to see the end result!”

Can he build it? YES HE CAN! Matthew is in his element on this project!

The upper level of the farmhouse is being converted into two bedrooms, a children’s playroom, and a bathroom. The lower level will have a kitchen, living/dining room area, bathroom, and another bedroom.

For the Titus family, this project means all hands on deck.

Service with a smile!

The farmhouse project is a beautiful example of people working together for a common cause to help others in need.

Progress! The new roof is up and insulation is being installed.

Everything is coming along! Now to finish up the interior…

Each day’s progress brings the farmhouse a little closer to completion.

It’s really beginning to look like a home! Many volunteers from multiple countries and two continents worked tirelessly all the way up through the finishing touches.

At long last, the farmhouse is ready to receive families! Would you like to take the tour? (Fair warning…you’re going to want to live here!)

Living/Dining Room Area


“We are humbled and honored to help provide a safe, comfortable place to call home to people who are fleeing horrific situations and facing a scary, unknown future. May they find rest here.” – Sara Titus, TEAM Czech

Children’s Playroom

What a beautiful place God has provided for children to play and families to heal from the trauma they’ve experienced.

“To all of you who have given financially, come out to give your time and energy, worked tirelessly staying up late nights, contributed your unique personalities and giftings (to the physical project, as well as to the forming of beautiful community), approved expenses, and cheered us on. You know who you are, and you are amazing. This could not have happened without you.” – Sara Titus, TEAM Czech
TEAM Czech workers continue to look for more opportunities to care for refugees. (The next project is to renovate another building adjacent to the farmhouse that will house additional families.) Prayerfully support these efforts by giving to the Ukrainian Refugee Relief in Czech Republic.