Prayer Focus
Defined by Christ: A Call to Prayer
February 2, 2023
by Suzanne Pearson

What defines you? In 2023, it’s a popular question. We all seem to be trying to wrap our minds around the question of identity – that which defines us. As followers of Jesus, we want our identity to be rooted in Christ. To that end, TEAM, as an organization with many members, has defining values that anchor us.
But it’s important that these values aren’t just platitudes that we post on a webpage and then go about our business. For these concepts to truly define us as missional workers and as disciples of Jesus, they need to be lived out in each person – from TEAM leadership and staff to global workers to national churches to individual disciples touched by TEAM’s ministries.
For this month’s Prayer Focus, will you pray for these principles, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to be manifested in the Kingdom work of TEAM at every level?
God Dependence
We subject our lives to the truth of Scripture, and we rely on God through prayer. The Triune God alone provides what is necessary to carry out global mission, enabling us to speak His words, use His gifts and reflect His love.
PRAY that in all we do, TEAM will rely fully on God through the revelation of His Word and through communion with Him in prayer.
Church Focus
We engage existing churches globally in cooperative efforts to accomplish His mission, believing that the Church is central to God’s plan.
PRAY that as TEAM partners with national churches around the world, we would equip, empower, and encourage them to fulfill their God-given mission to make disciples who make disciples to the glory of God.
Creative Vision
We see the day when the people of God from every tribe, tongue, people and nation will be gathered around the throne of heaven, worshipping Him. We seek to work with creativity and flexibility to realize this unchanging vision in our ever-changing world.
PRAY that as TEAM engages in a myriad of creative and unique ministries, we never waver from the vision of drawing people into the family of faith.
Passionate Service
Compelled by Christ’s love, we go to serve, not to be served, so that the whole world may be reconciled to God through Jesus.
PRAY that each and every person within TEAM, regardless of role, responsibility, or location, would have a servant’s heart in all that we do.
Lifelong Learning
We seek to grow in character and competence to increase our effectiveness. We are committed to equipping all personnel to reach their God-given potential through lifelong development.
PRAY that TEAM leadership, staff, global workers, national workers, and others – right down to the new believer in a remote church in a distant land – will grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God, that we may each be increasingly effective in God’s kingdom work.
Caring Community
We see the potential of the body of Christ everywhere. We work together in teams characterized by unity, trust, acceptance, and diversity, benefiting from mutual accountability. This community can be a strong demonstration of grace and peace in a divided world.
PRAY that the TEAM community, which crosses oceans, languages, and cultures may be marked by grace, unity, and peace.
We thank you for your prayers! As you read this list, we encourage you to think about what defines YOU as a follower of Christ. What about your family? Your church? We are praying for you, just as you are praying for us in these ways. May we all be defined by our identity in Christ!
Do you ever wish you could talk to someone who knows the ins and outs of serving on the mission field? TEAM’s missions coaches are here to answer your questions as you seek your place in serving the global Church. Have a conversation with a missions coach today to discover where your future could take you.
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