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More Than a Well

August 26, 2014
by admin

Well Water in Chad


We swim in it, drink it, cook with it – and for the pure joy of it we turn on the sprinkler and run through it. A lack of clean water can have huge implications for a community – and they go way beyond thirst.

The lack of sanitation cuts lives short and the trek to collect water can steal a person’s most productive hours – keeping generations ill, undereducated, and impoverished.

The answer, it would seem, is to access the water that is already there: drill a well. While well drilling projects are becoming popular and are transforming entire communities, there is more to sustainably solving community water crises than simply accessing the water table.

Even the best-intentioned well-drill can fail if the community is undereducated on how to sustain it, and underinvested in the ideology that will make the shared water source work. In this video, learn how workers in Chad are taking a different approach to well drilling that is transforming a community and opening doors for the gospel.

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